- The ticket (above) is held by the Scottish Football Museum in Glasgow. They could be bought in advance of the game from Queen's Park committee members, and despite the high price, sales were so buoyant that there were fears the ground would not cope with the anticipated large crowd. The Glasgow Herald suggested admission should be by ticket only, but then published an anxious response on the day of the game from an intending spectator: 'I do not know the committee of management, nor anyone who has tickets to dispose of, and it would be too had if I had my journey to Partick for nothing.' In the event, the crowd behaved impeccably 'and never once trenched upon the field of play'.
- The shirt (below left) worn by England forward Arnold Kirke Smith, in his only international, was kept by his family until 1998, when it sold at Christie's for £21,000 and is now on display in the National Football Museum - the first of eleven 'milestones in the game' that visitors see. Picture courtesy of Umbro football's photostream.
- Caps were not awarded specifically for this match, but Scotland's JJ Thomson made sure the honour of playing against England in 1872-3-4 was recorded on his cap (below right) when it was presented a couple of years later. It is now held at the Scottish Football Museum.
Who knows if there are any other souvenirs of the match still to be discovered?